Stores on Amazon is a free self-service branded destination where sellers with a registered brand, as well as vendors and agencies with an advertising console account, may generate content that inspires, educates, and helps customers discover your brand’s product assortment. You can improve your Store by analyzing performance, campaigns, traffic, and sales data. You can find out more about Amazon FBA for high profits.
Amazon is expected to have over 9.7 million sellers worldwide by 2020, with 1.9 million active monthly sellers. With so many vendors in the marketplace, you’d think Amazon would offer a comprehensive and straightforward way of finding or locating any seller on its platform. You’d be mistaken. If you’ve ever bought or sold something on Amazon and tried to locate a specific seller, you’ve had a difficult time doing so. For whatever reason, even if you know a seller’s precise store name, Amazon has made it extremely impossible to locate them.
Shoppers can find your Store on Amazon by looking for your brand byline (your brand name near the product title on detail pages) or going to Amazon.com/brandname. You can utilize your Store’s URL as the landing page for any Amazon or non-Amazon activity, which will increase brand awareness and cross-selling potential.
Where can you find an Amazon? Name of The Seller’s Store and its Id
- Start by going to Amazon.com.
- On the right, click Other Sellers.
- Go to the other merchants’ stores and click on their names.
- Go to the seller’s storefront by clicking on their name.
- Look for their seller ID after merchant= in the Html bar.
- Their seller ID is a letter combination.
How can you perform searching for items by store name
The quickest and easiest way to locate an Amazon seller is to look for their store name. If you already know the merchant’s store name, use this URL (https://www.amazon.com/shops/) and add the store name at the end.
You should be sent to the seller’s product list, which contains a list of all of the items they are currently selling. Click on one of their product listings to be taken to their seller page. Then, at the bottom of the Buy Box, next to “Ships From” and “Sold by,” click on their store name.
You’ll be sent to the seller’s page, including their ratings, reviews, and contact information. The only drawback to this strategy is that Amazon firms can change their business or shop names at any time. This means you won’t use this strategy if the seller’s name changes! Because Amazon hasn’t fixed this problem yet, you should try the following option if you’re in this circumstance.
Any user can utilize their Seller IDs, product brands, ASINs, marketplace, location, and even reviews and ratings to find any Amazon using the Seller Database. The Seller Database is one of the most effective seller search tools available. Go to Sellgo.com and provide information about the seller you want to find. You can quickly copy and paste the seller’s unique Amazon Merchant ID into the Seller Database if you know it. The tool will fill in the seller information for you.